Soup Cleanse
Welcome! When it comes to our cleanses, you get out what we don’t put in. They’re designed to replace meals with bottles of pure and nutritious cold-pressed juices – with nothing unnatural added. They’re a reminder of how you feel when you put only good things in.

Your Cleanse Line Up
Storing your cleanse.
Don’t forget to put your juices in the fridge, they like to be kept below 5˚C to stay fresh.
Cheat Sheet
Whilst we highly recommend that you abstain from eating solid food during your cleanse, we recognise that this can be difficult, particularly if you’ve never done one before. If you’re starting to feel uncomfortable, or have some unpleasant side effects, listening to your body. Try having a hot water with lemon or a herbal tea, as this can sometimes be enough to stave off the need for solid food. If this doesn’t work for you, make some sensible choices from our recommendations below:
Drink 1/2 of your number 6 bottle and save the rest for the evening
A few slices cucumber, celery or avocado
Miso soup
A cup of leafy greens with a squeeze of lemon juice
Post Cleanse
You may be surprised that what you were craving last week isn’t the first thing you are looking forward to eating. Now is the time to set the building blocks to your new foundation.
Be Mindful
Consider how you feel and prolonging that feeling with real whole foods, staying away from anything processed and stimulants like alcohol and caffeine.
Introduce Solids Slowly
Wake up your digestive system slowly, a light breakfast like chia or overnight oats will ease you back in much better than a full breakfast.
We’re here
Share your cleanse journey with us @PlenishDrinks
We’re just a few clicks away if you have any questions.
Call: 020 7603 8002