Energiser Cleanse
Welcome! When it comes to our cleanses, you get out what we don’t put in. They’re designed to replace meals with bottles of pure and nutritious cold-pressed juices – with nothing unnatural added. They’re a reminder of how you feel when you put only good things in.

Your Cleanse Line Up
Storing your cleanse.
Pop your juices in the fridge. They like to be kept below 5˚C to stay fresh.
Cheat Sheet
Whilst a cleanse is all about avoiding solid food, we recognise that this can be difficult – particularly if you’ve never done one before. If you’re finding it tough, listen to your body. First, try having a hot water with lemon or herbal tea, as this is often enough to stave off the desire for solid food until your next juice. If that doesn’t work, here’s a few tricks that should help:
Drink 1/2 of your number 6 bottle and save the rest for the evening
Have a few slices cucumber, celery or avocado
Have a Miso soup
Have a cup of leafy greens with a squeeze of lemon juice
After your cleanse
You may be surprised that your cravings have changed and you want to focus on getting more good stuff into your diet. Now is a great time to start some healthy habits.
Be Mindful
Remember how your cleanse has made you feel and try to keep that going with real whole foods, staying away from anything processed and limiting stimulants like alcohol and caffeine.
Introduce Solids Slowly
Wake up your digestive system slowly. A light breakfast like overnight oats will ease you back in much better than a full English breakfast.
We’re here
Share your cleanse journey with us @PlenishDrinks
We’re just a few clicks away if you have any questions.
Email: care@plenishdrinks.com
Call: 020 7603 8002