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I drank a Ginger Shot Every Day for a Week

Wellness shots are becoming more and more popular – so many of us are equating drinking a shot with something healthy like ginger or tumeric nowadays with not a thought about tequila.

It can only be a good thing right? So, should you try it?

The idea behind the health shot is that it helps you get your recommended intake of vitamins naturally. So each shot combines a natural superfood with your recommended daily intake of a vitamin or live cultures. This can be great for anyone who wants to get a vitamin hit on the go, doesn’t want to take a supplement, and enjoys supplementing something equally potent and tasty.

Our Ginger Immunity, Turmeric Recovery, Berry Gut Health, and Mango Sunshine all now come in 300ml dosing sizes which contain 5x shots in one multi-serve bottle. We asked a friend of the team to try drinking the Plenish Ginger Immunity Shot every day for a week, and here are her results.

Ginger Immunity Shot – Day 1

So I’ve been feeling pretty tired recently and a little run down – as my work has become increasingly busy I find I’m often reaching for a quick unhealthy snack. I also struggle to reach my 5-a-day fruit and veg quota. With all the germs that are circulating at the moment – I don’t want to catch anything either as I can’t really take any time off. I know I need to do better and help my poor immune system out. 

For me, a health shot seems like a great way to get some vitamins inside in a natural way in a quick and speedy hit. The Plenish Ginger Immunity Shot contains Ginger, (an obvious one), Apple Cider Vinegar, Apple, Lemon and Acerola Cherry. I’ve recently been told my iron stores are not at a healthy level and that Vitamin C helps you absorb iron from food. I hear this little shot contains 100% of my daily Vitamin C intake. 

The Ginger Immunity Shot arrived with me yesterday and it’s all ready to go into the fridge in an easy-to-use dosing bottle that contains 8 shots – so that’s really simple. Each shot you take should be measured out at 60ml. I’m a bit unsure how palatable the drink is going to be as it contains vinegar, but I’ve decided I’ll have this one first thing before I’ve eaten or drunk anything else. I’ve got my first shot ready to go and have got slight pre-shot nerves. It can’t be as bad as tequila right? 

I found it to be an explosion in the mouth but not in an unpleasant way. I can taste the fiery ginger, mixed with sweet-tasting apple juice and sour cherry. It’s certainly woken me up with a lovely little ginger kickstart today. I like it. 

Day 2 – Developing Healthy Habits

I know the drill now, so it’s easy to get the bottle out, pour the shot, and get ready to go. Although, I forgot to shake the bottle first, so I could taste the Apple Cider Vinegar a little more today, although still not unpleasant. I recommend always giving the bottle a good shake before every shot.

It’s 8am, and I’ve already had 100% of my recommended Vitamin C intake, so I’m feeling mighty pleased with myself – a positive way to start the day. It’s made me realise that you can make small, subtle changes to your daily routine easily to improve your health.

As I’ve started the day well, it’s encouraged me to find more small healthy habits. I’ve filled up a large bottle of water to get my daily water intake up and decided to make a vibrant salad for lunch before work instead of grabbing a sandwich. It’s only taken a few minutes out of my schedule for these small changes. 

Day 3 – Ginger Aids Digestion

Looked forward to drinking my little fiery friend this morning. I started to realise a trend that has been happening since the first day on Monday – my digestion is on the move!

Decided to have a quick Google search and discover that yes, this is a thing. Apparently, ginger contains gingerol which means food doesn’t linger quite as long. Who knew?

Day 4 – Banishing the Bloat

So by the fourth day I’ve had a somewhat unexpected bonus result. I suffer from IBS, but I really feel less bloated. I’m assuming it’s the effect the shot has had on my digestion and the extra water I’ve been drinking. Great to think I’m getting all of my Vitamin C and helping my stomach feel calmer too. 

Day 5 – Getting more energy

I’ve started to feel like I have a little more energy today which could be down to both the Ginger shot and the healthier choices I’ve been making this week. It’s early days but apparently, your body can absorb Vitamin C in just a couple of days.

Day 6 – Upping the Antioxidant

I’ve discovered that Ginger is packed with antioxidants which help battle free radicals and could also boost health and prevent disease as well as provide benefits to the skin. Vitamin C has benefits for skin too – although it’s too early for me to see any real impact I am feeling more energetic.

Day 7 – Has it helped my immunity?

It’s difficult to say for sure as this is in no way a scientific experiment, however, I’ve not picked anything up despite taking the tube in London a few times this week and attending the theatre, cinema and a few large work meetings.

I’ve kept onto the feeling of having slightly more energy too which is probably attributable to the healthy choices I’m making. They all started with the first shot on day one. I would continue to take the Ginger Immunity shot as I find it a great way to start the day with a healthy, zingy little kickstart. I need to ensure I get enough Vitamin C and I think getting it from natural sources is a better choice for me than a supplement right now. I also like the additional benefits I’m getting as the shot is aiding my digestion, so I think I’ll make it a regular thing for me.


Make it part of your routine

Want to try the Ginger Immunity Shot – or any others from our range? You can subscribe to get either the 60ml singles, a 300ml dosing bottle, or a dosing bottle multi-pack delivered straight to your doorstep – it couldn’t be easier to keep your immunity supported through the cold & flu season.