What is cold-pressed juice, and is it better than regular juice? Read on to discover everything you need to know about the cold-pressed juice process and how it differs from regular juicing. All Plenish juices are made using a cold-pressing – squeezing all of the goodness from organic fruit and vegetables without applying heat to keep maximum flavour and nutrients.
What is cold-pressed juice?
Cold-pressed refers to the method used to extract juice from the fruits and vegetables you use. So what is the cold-pressed juice process? Well, firstly, the cold-pressing method doesn’t involve heat. (The clue is in the name, hey!) This is beneficial because introducing heat and oxygen can break down the nutrients within the juice. It does involve crushing the lovely fruit and veg and then using a hydraulic press to extract all the juicy nutrients and goodness. Pressure is applied to the fruit and veg between two plates to extract juice and water, which leaves a juice full of vibrant colour and flavour.
How is cold-pressed juicing better than regular juicing?
A cold-pressed juice that hasn’t been damaged by heat could contain three to five times the nutrient content of a pasteurised juice. Some store-bought juices also have preservatives added to extend shelf-life too.
The cold-pressed juicing method can extract more nutrients from the fruit and veg. In addition, the enzymes and vitamins made in a regular centrifugal juicer can break down faster. So usually a cold-pressed juice has a longer shelf-life. Ever noticed how bananas and apples turn brown quite quickly after you chop them? That’s oxidation. The high spinning blades in a centrifugal juicer cause a higher rate of oxidation. Cold pressed juicers are often called masticating juicers and there isn’t as much oxidation during the process of juicing. Plenish cold-press and use HPP too, which stands for High-Pressure Processing, so juices are placed in a tank of water with high levels of pressure to remove potentially harmful bacteria. This extends shelf life without using preservatives and keeps vitamins, minerals and enzymes intact. They could potentially be destroyed when using UHT – an Ultra High Temperature process. Essentially you should get more nutrients, minerals, antioxidants in a cold-pressed juice.
What does cold-pressed juice do for you?
A juice cleanse is a great way to reset your digestive system or kickstart a healthier lifestyle where you regularly consume your recommended fruit and vegetable intake. One of the main reasons for juicing is to consume more fruit and vegetables and reap the benefit from the vitamins and minerals as you drink them. Drinking cold-pressed juice can help you hit your recommended daily target and help you consume the organic goodness with more vitamins and minerals than other juice processes..
Is cold-pressed juicing healthier than eating fruit or vegetables?
It’s not any healthier to drink a juice than eat fruit or vegetables. Some fibre is lost during the juicing process so it’s important to eat fruit and vegetables too. However, some people find it easier to consume more fruit and veg by adding juice to their diet. It’s a simple way to help hit your daily recommended intake. All Plenish juices are high in vegetable content and can offer a tasty way to pack in spinach, kale and other leafy greens.
How long does cold-pressed juice last?
Plenish cold-pressed juice deliveries should be stored in your fridge on arrival. They can stay in the fridge for at least 6 days, but once opened you should consume within 24 hours.
Ready to try a cold-pressed juice? Discover these tasty cold-pressed juices from Plenish