Coffee is loved by many for its energising effects, enjoyed with friends, or a staple in our morning routine. However, this sought-after beverage offers more than just a caffeine kick as research suggests a host of other health benefits including improving brain function and boosting gut health. Nutritionist Katie Morley gives us the fine ground details on these well-loved beans.
Read more to discover the surprising health benefits that your humble cup of coffee can deliver.
1. It Contains Antioxidants
Coffee beans provide a rich source of polyphenols, also known as antioxidants, which can play a crucial role in protecting your body against oxidative stress, and possibly reducing risk of inflammatory conditions in the body.
2. It Could Help You Focus
Caffeine, the natural stimulant found in coffee, is linked with boosted alertness, enhanced concentration, and improved cognitive function. It’s all about moderation and timings, so think quality over quantity, choosing organic options where possible – and of course pairing with an organic barista milk.
3. It’s Music To Your Microbiome
Coffee regulates bowel movements by acting like a laxative, which can be particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with constipation. A positive link has also been found between coffee consumption and the health of our microbiome as it facilitates the growth of beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, while reducing the levels of potentially harmful bacteria like Clostridium and Escherichia coli. Interestingly, coffee also increases the production of stomach acid and other digestive juices, like bile, which play a key role in maintaining a balanced gut microbiome and enhancing the digestive process.
4. …And Your Metabolism
Thanks to its natural caffeine content, coffee can temporarily raise your metabolic rate. This means that your body burns more calories at rest, plus, it has also been found that caffeine prompts the body to use stored fat as an energy source.
5. Good For Your Mood
Consuming caffeine has been linked with having a better mood as some research suggests that it enhances the activity of mood-boosting neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain.
How Much Coffee You Should Be Drinking
Consuming two to five regular cups of coffee daily could be associated with health benefits, and is considered safe for most adults. However, most the risk with coffee really lies with caffeine. Individuals may not deal well with such a high caffeine intake and may experience symptoms such as restlessness, anxiety, or trouble sleeping. In this case, you might want to reduce or remove entirely, you can also opt for alternatives such as decaf coffee, herbal teas and matcha which hold less caffeine. For pregnant women, coffee consumption should be limited to around 2 cups a day.
But whether you choose caffeinated, decaf, or even opt for a matcha – Plenish Organic Barista M*lks were made to pair perfectly with any morning brew.
Best Times To Drink Coffee
For most people, it’s recommended to enjoy caffeine in the morning as cortisol levels will be lower during this time. Cortisol is a hormone that increases alertness and improves concentration, with its highest levels approximately 30-45 minutes after waking and gradually reducing throughout the day. To reap the benefits from your body’s cortisol cycle, try waiting at least 90 minutes after waking up before consuming caffeinated beverages and always remember to hydrate first with plenty of water.
Overall coffee is thought to do more good than bad. Enjoying coffee in moderation can be a beneficial addition to your daily routine. However, as with most things in life, moderation is key and excessive coffee consumption can result in undesirable side effects. Personal responses to coffee and caffeine can vary dramatically which is why two to five cups can be beneficial. It’s important to take notice of how your body reacts and adapt your consumption accordingly.
Ready for coffee? Try the full experience with our barista bundles, or stock up on a case of our barista oat, almond, or soya m*lk.
Author: Plenish Nutritionist, Katie Morley
Email: katiemorley@holsome.uk
Website: www.holsome.uk